Top Three Tips For Making Your Dating Experiences In LA Much More Enjoyable
If you are dating in LA, I’m sure that you will agree that online dating have completely changed how singles are open to meeting new people. Trying to date in a big city like LA can be overwhelming. The LA matchmakers at Elite Connections are experienced at helping singles connect with people that have similar values and interests. The three biggest Elite Connections problems with dating in this day and age are listed below, along our advice to helpfully help turn your dating life around.
Don’t be in a hurry. There are too many singles in a complete panic rush to meet their soulmate. They go on 5-7 dates a week on a mission to find true love, when all they need is one great person. They join a matchmaker, sometimes 2 and are dating online as well. They are in a dating frenzy. You don’t need a large quantity of dates, just quality matches and to meet one fabulous person. People in this frenzy mode come off very desperate to everyone they meet. I’ve had people join and decline someone because they saw them online. Yes they were online as well but decided to take a break and meet people that were not dating online.
Turn off your cell phone. One of my biggest Elite Connections complaints is that most singles are constantly on their cell phones. They flirt with emails and texts. Many people have lost their ability to connect with people and their social skills are sadly lacking. It’s very important that when you’re on a date, whether you’re interested or not to turn off your phone. It’s incredibly rude when on a date, or with friends and family to keep looking at your phone. What you’re telling everyone is, “You’re not that interesting or important”. Be kind to your date even if you’re not that interested. Ask questions, get to know them and make a friend. I’ve had many marriages to the person I introduced meeting my matches best friend or brother.
Get past the photo. My 3rd highest ranking of Elite Connections problems are singles that decline great matches over a quick glance of a photo. They put too much importance on the way a photo looks than what the person is all about. Because of technology, people have gotten used to rejecting photos instantly by swiping right or left. After 25 years in the matchmaking business I can assure you that a photo can’t come close to telling you all about the person’s most important characteristics, and things they like to do. If you don’t meet in person you’ll never know.
Be Truthful. Another of my top Elite Connections complaints are people that get upset about have to give us their true age. It’s so much better to be honest upfront and not bother going out with someone that’s worried about your age. How does anyone think they can start a relationship with lies?
Our matchmakers guarantee we will interview all your matches face to face, check IDs and do the screening for you. That’s one of the biggest benefits working with our LA matchmakers. Call 800-923-4200 or email to arrange a consultation with one of our Elite Connections International and their LA matchmakers today.
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