Let Go And Move On To Find Love Again
Let Go Of The Past:
One of the biggest aspects of life that matters in the end is how we graciously let go of things not meant for us. Universally, religions all over the world coincide with the strong belief of letting go of the past. No letting go of past relationships is an all too familiar Elite Connections complaint. Nevertheless, it’s something easier said than done. So what is the true meaning of letting go? Letting go has different connotations to different people. To many, it’s a scary thing to do, you hold onto something because it feels right, it feels comfortable, because it’s all you know and the thought of letting go and exploring uncharted waters seems scary and uncomfortable. To some letting go is the equivalent of giving up. Those that fight hard for everything to remain the way it used to be, the way they remembered it, typically try too hard to associate past feelings with present emotions. They are the ones who are more in love with the memories of that person than the person standing before them. At the end of relationships we are often left in a vulnerable place, wanting to hold onto what we once treasured the most. This is an essential time to be alone and heal, not jump into another relationship to feel those feelings again and fill the void left behind after s broken relationship. What’s most important is to not “rebound” directly from one relationship to the other. To instead look towards your inner self and see this time as a learning experience, know your worth, let go and move on. It’s a time to be truthful with ourselves and aware of the role we played and use as that as a moment of growth. It takes a great deal of bravery to look at and analyze our belief system on why we are the way we are and why we do the things we do. Among the most powerful tools Elite Connections can give their clients are guided visualizations in order to challenge those outdated beliefs and reprogram. Allow yourself to go to a peaceful place, relax, close your eyes and meditate. Visualize your own self being happy and at peace. Be open to what comes next and focus on being happy.
Open Yourself Up To New Love:
By what means do we start to open ourselves up for love? When even beginning a new path towards a relationship, how can we do so when we are often too frightened at the thought of failing to get what we want, or loosing someone? Instead of seeing fear as a roadblock, we can use it as a foothold towards self-love and understanding. The more we are secure, at a good place in our lives and happy the better we attract the right kind of person.
Live In The Present Moment:
A main Elite Connections complaints is singles who live in the past. Most are anywhere but the present moment. They either spend their time too anxious about the future or holding too tight onto the past. Focus on your blessings and how much you have vs. focusing on everything you don’t have. The past robs us of the present moment and we can get so much more out of life by becoming mindful. The present is where you should always find your joy. Learning to let go, to love, and be mindful are all lifetime processes. Remember to always keep in mind that the process is worth it, as are you.
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