Elite Connections International’s Matchmakers - Discuss The Process Of Working With A Matchmaker

The age of online dating is here and all ages are dating online. We hear good and bad from users. When people get tired of the online deceit and decide to try a different way of meeting people they start looking into matchmakers.


When interviewing matchmakers people meeting with us will look at Elite Connections reviews at the BCA or BBB. These are companies that verify their reviewers. The next step is meeting in person with the matchmakers. We ask you personal questions and get to know you. We find out who you’re looking for. The matchmaker will show you a few people they think would be good matches. If you join they would start the process by putting your profile together. Good quality, recent photos are required. Then the process of matching starts.

The biggest of Elite Connections problems is people that don’t want to give their real age or insist they don’t take good photos. Working with a matchmaker makes you get real and you can be assured you’ll meet others that have done the same. If you’d like more information on about matchmaking contact Elite Connections at 800-923-4200.

Modern Business Issues In 2018

The internet is a great thing, and has allowed much freedom for many people. There are problems for most businesses caused the internet as well. Elite Connections problems with the internet have been happening the last few years. There are several companies that have “elite” in their name, people confuse us with them and we get mixed up with their complaints. Another issue is other companies that want high reviews for themselves and turn to their competitors review pages to rank them lower if they are in the lead.

Most of our reviews are honest reviews from clients we have worked with over time. But when there is a random review with one star with unknown names and initials we have never worked with before, then we know it is most likely a competitor or company that wants to help us “take down the reviews” for a high amount of money. Whenever we see Elite Connections reviews like this, we respond back to them on the review site but never hear back. If this were truly a client of ours who had paid for a membership, in all honesty they would talk to us about their disappoint and make it known so that something is changed about it. They wouldn’t hide behind a secret user name so that they still sit unhappily working with our agency.
Just be careful about what you read, and take it with a grain of salt. If you aren’t talking to someone face to face, or they at least post a review under their real name you can’t believe everything written on the internet.

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