
Showing posts from October, 2018

Get Prepared To Date - Elite Connections

If you’re. burned out on the dating scene don’t give up. Follow our dating advice to meet someone special. A lot of Elite Connections complaints associated with dating stem from newly separated or divorced people. Follow our suggestions and dating will go a lot smoother. 1. Get over your past relationship before you look for a new one. You can’t possibly attract a good person if you still have feelings for your ex. Take a fun trip, learn a new sport, volunteer or get counseling and move on. 2. An important Elite Connections complaint are people that exaggerate their feelings. Be honest and take your time before you commit. 3. Beware of warning signs. If the person you’re dating got fired recently, drinks too much and has children the ex is trying to keep them away from... run! Don’t ignore obvious red flags. 4. Listen to your friends. They aren’t always right but they can see things that you will miss when you’re excited about a new love. 5. If someone that yo...

4 Ways To Find Love Without Being Online

In today’s modern age, it seems like everyone is online using a dating app. Singles in this day and age today typically depend on dating apps rather than their own capacities to meet and attract a love interest. Because of this, the proportion of superficial vs genuine relationships is becoming disproportionate. It may seem like a daunting task to try to find love without having to use a dating app for those wanting a serious relationship. We’ve listed 4 ways to better your chances of finding love without resorting to online dating frustration. 1- Add Happy Hours to your schedule A top Elite Connections complaint is people who complain about being alone but they go home after work and you won’t meet anyone at home. When you're invited, GO! Happy hour after work is the time for socialization and intermingling between coworkers. It’s during this time that you meet and get to know coworkers you would have otherwise overlooked in the office. Instead of being worried about ...

5 Tips To Date Smarter - Elite Connections

If you’ve been single for a long time and growing tired of dating, read our tips for dating smarter. Elite Connections complaints associated with dating have helped the elite matchmakers write this article. 1. Take your time to get to know someone. Don’t jump in too fast. A top Elite Connections complaint is people who get intimate too quickly. Be smart and move slowly. 2. Don’t say things you don’t mean. Say the L word only when you’re sure. Make commitments when you’re confident in how you feel about this person. 3. Ask questions and listen. That’s how you get to know someone. 4. Get rid of your baggage. Make sure you’re over your ex before you start seriously dating someone new. This means you are not still talking about the ex every other day. 5. Don’t date your type. If your type worked you’d not be dating. So be open to getting to know someone completely different than your ex. You can count on the elite matchmakers advice and if you have datin...

9 Things To Do While Dating Before You Get Serious

If you’ve been single for quite some time now and starting to get lonely you should read this article. We will go over Elite Connections complaints associated with dating and help you to have a better experience. 1. Let go to move on. You need to wait for the right time to start dating. Finding love won’t take that long if you’re truly ready. Letting go of a past relationship is the number one thing you need to do to move on. If you’re still talking about her then you’re not ready to move on. 2. Don’t say things you don’t mean. A big Elite Connections complaint is men who exaggerate their feelings trying to get into a relationship too quickly. Don’t say the “L” work without knowing the woman very well and truly mean it. Only make a commitment when you are confident and sure. 3. Watch out for warning signs. If your relationship has red flags and just doesn’t seem to be progressing after a few months then it is time to get out of it. Move on before things start getting mo...

How To Find Quality Single Men In OC

Orange County contains a vast amount of singles, but most have busy lives and not a lot of spare time to search for new people to date. Statistically speaking, there are more single women than men in Southern California’s major cities like Los Angeles, San Diego, and Orange County. A majority of singles in Orange County choose to enlist the help of top matchmaking agencies like Elite Connections. Elite Connections matchmakers in Orange County make clients their top priority and match them with quality men or women. With plenty of options to choose from in Orange County, it can be hard to pick out the good from the bad. It can be an extremely confusing situation to navigate alone, and with the help of the OC Matchmakers, you can navigate the dating world and have it work in your favor. Here are a few suggestions by Elite Connections. Tips for picking the best matches in OC Adventurous Types . There are studies that say, men who love to experiment with the new and are ad...

6 Tips On Meeting That Special Someone In LA In Under 30 Days

In Los Angeles it’s easy to find superficial people who are only interested in personal gain. Rarely do you ever meet that genuine, faithful person in this bustling city. The ones you do meet in clubs or bars may not just cut it. Many of Elite Connections complaints from clients come from not being able to meet quality people on their own in this city. Believe it or not you’re not alone; there are people and a good amount of them too who are on the same boat as you. These are the types that typically don’t go to bars to find new prospects. Interested in finding out how to meet the best potential suitors in LA? LA Matchmakers at Elite Connections have gathered each and every Elite Connections complaint and put together a list of helpful tips:- Los Angeles Matchmaking: Enlist upon the help of a Matchmaker in Los Angeles, and put your trust in an elite agency that has been at the top of its game for 25 years. For special, personalized, private and exclusive matchmaking services E...

What Women Really Want In A Man

Many think that women only want a man with money. Yes of course there are those that want successful men but not all women. Having a good career is a definite bonus but it’s not all about money. One of the top Elite Connections complaints are people that assume all women only want successful men. The majority of women want love, respect and a man that cares about them. So, if you actually want to impress a woman, make sure to add these attributes into your life. • Respect is what she wants: Give her the respect she deserves and treat her like a real woman. That’s what will help you to gain trust and love from a woman in return. • Love and care: Women are the emotional gender and they are very serious about their relationships. When they commit, they will commit with their full heart. So, make sure to respect that and give her the love and caring she needs. If you know you’re not in love with her than move one. Better to leave now than later. • Little surprise...

Looking For Love In Westlake Village CA

The days when you’d have to remain single in Westlake Village are long gone. Everyone deserves someone to love and rely on and that’s exactly what you will get once you come to the Westlake Village matchmakers. After a hard day’s work, who wouldn’t want to come home to someone that cares for you and asks you about your tiring day? You need a partner; a loving, caring one. If you cannot find that mystery man or woman on your own, let the matchmakers work their magic, on your behalf. Provide Them With Your Specifications: Not everyone has the same qualifications when it comes to a life partner. Some may want a person who is more homely and soft-spoken. Then there are others who are looking for an extroverted party animal! The matchmaking agencies will start linking you up to some favorable singles in Westlake Village based on your choices. An Elite Connections complaint often heard is that people are too strict on a specific type and overlook someone that could have been per...

7 Tips To Finding Love In LA. By Elite Connections

LA is a large city with hundreds of famous stars. It is not only home to the Hollywood heroes. This place has become a thriving area for YouTubers, who are growing in numbers these days at full swing. In this busy and bustling city, do you find it difficult to find true lasting love? For most people, finding love in LA is not an easy task because everyone is so career-driven. That is also the number one problem heard in Elite Connections complaints. However, there is a solution! Just follow these seven points as mentioned by Elite Connections professional matchmakers and you’ll find your dream person in no time. Get to know someone . You have to spend the time with someone in order to get to know them. If you meet someone out in a cafe or pub, make sure to exchange numbers. Meet as often as possible. The more you get to know them, the better. Proficient and transparent communication is what you should be aiming for. Shine with your own humor . People love a good joke and th...

Let Go And Move On To Find Love Again

Let Go Of The Past: One of the biggest aspects of life that matters in the end is how we graciously let go of things not meant for us. Universally, religions all over the world coincide with the strong belief of letting go of the past. No letting go of past relationships is an all too familiar Elite Connections complaint. Nevertheless, it’s something easier said than done. So what is the true meaning of letting go? Letting go has different connotations to different people. To many, it’s a scary thing to do, you hold onto something because it feels right, it feels comfortable, because it’s all you know and the thought of letting go and exploring uncharted waters seems scary and uncomfortable. To some letting go is the equivalent of giving up. Those that fight hard for everything to remain the way it used to be, the way they remembered it, typically try too hard to associate past feelings with present emotions. They are the ones who are more in love with the memories of that person ...